New Zealand
New Zealand offers a world of location looks within close proximity to each other. The country is best known for its otherworldly looks of deep forests, glacial lakes, peaceful streams, white-water rapids, snow-covered mountains, magnificent fjords, and volcanos. The permitting process is generally quick, easy and streamlined. For a high quality production service centre, New Zealand is one of the most cost competitive filming centres in the Western world. New Zealand is generally less expensive than Australia due to the difference in exchange rate, less distance to locations, and more flexible crew and talent rules. New Zealand has a good pool of local directors, directors of photography, production designers and stills photographers with extensive international experience.
Rebate: 25% Cashback
Temperature: 0 to 16 Degrees
Avg. Rainfall: 1500mm
Easy Permissions
Diverse Locations
New Zealand offers a cash grant of up to 20% for qualifying productions.
New Zealand ranks 1st in the World Bank’s ease of business index, where a limited bureaucracy works fast alongside a visitor-friendly visa system. The crime rate is zero and permissions are easily attainable.
Green Hills | Snow Mountains | Beaches | Temperate Rainforest | Green Plains | Dry Lands | Semi Desert | Plateau | Glacier | Alpine Forest | Lakes | Deciduous | Forests | Rivers

To know more about Country, Recent Productions, Tax Incentives, Permits, Locations, Studios, Facilities, Equipment, Crew, Legal Compliance, Regulations, Filming Laws, Co-Productions, Tax Rebates, Ethic Compliance, Partnership Agreements, Financing Options, Refund Process, Government Support, State promotion schemes, Equipment, Local Film Professionals, Versatile Locations contact us at info@indiashoots.com
For specific and categorized locations such as castles, parks, public buildings, transport, rural, nature, hotels, beaches, residential buildings, infrastructure, streets, medieval architecture etc. please contact us.
Discuss the shots and let us give you the perfect locations for a defined budget anywhere in the world.